Who is insured?

Who is insured

Who is insured

Deposits of resident and nonresident households (natural persons), kept at a bank, foreign bank branch or a saving house in Republic of North Macedonia.

The insurance of household deposits deposited in banks, foreign bank branches and savings banks authorised to collect deposits by the National Bank of Republic of North Macedonia is mandatory.

The only requirement for reimbursement is that a natural person is identified in accordance to the Rulebook on the manner and procedure of reimbursing depositors in case a risk event occurs.

Natural persons - depositors are obliged to update their personal data in the bank, branch of a foreign bank or savings bank on a regular basis.

Which banks / branches of foreign banks / savings houses insure deposits?

All banks, foreign bank branches and savings banks in the Republic of North Macedonia are members of the Deposit Insurance Fund and are obliged to pay insurance premium for deposits of natural persons.

Announcements for depositors with information that deposits of natural persons in the bank or the saving house are insured in the Deposit Insurance Fund are pointed out in prominent places at the counters in the banks and savings houses.

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